—Terrence McNally
Kathy’s theatre publications are: Rhythm in Drama, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1980, Playwriting: The First Workshop, Allworth Press, 2008 (first in print with Butterworth (Focal Press) 1994), and Winter’s Tales: Reflections on the Novelistic Stage, University of Delaware, 2005.
She has taught for Pitt in London and has served as faculty and as Academic Dean for Semester at Sea. She has directed for Pitt’s mainstage and for the Three Rivers Shakespeare Festival productions which include The Rehearsal, The Country Wife, She Stoops to Conquer, The Winter’s Tale, Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing, King Lear, A Flea in Her Ear, and Our Town. A number of these productions were listed among the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Ten Best of the Year. She has also produced and sometimes directed over sixty original plays written by her students.
Winter’s Tales: Reflections on the Novelistic Stage
In Winter’s Tales, Kathleen George examines stories covering time and space or exhibiting some other characteristics of the epic. She deals with both novels and plays, asking, “Are they as different as some scholars have assumed?” and “In what ways have plays become novelistic?”

Playwriting: The First Workshop
Easy to understand and use, Playwriting: The First Workshop truly captures the workshop experience in teaching you how to write for the stage. Excerpts from and plot summaries of modern classics such as A Streetcar Named Desire and Glengarry Glen Ross teach the fundamentals of playwriting, while samples from student plays offer valuable opportunities for discussion and analysis.
Available through Allworth Press:
10 East 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
212-777-8395 or

Rhythm in Drama
This book will be a meaningful addition to the literature of dramatic theory and invaluable in the training of stage actors and directors. Students of drama and any theatregoer will be amused and instructed by Professor George’s spare and engaging prose.
Available through Coyne and Chenoweth:
Box 81905
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
FAX: (412) 269-7989